Hard-copies of St. Philaret's sermons/writings [in English] published in
Living Orthodoxy Magazine
#178 July-Aug 2010 Vol. XXX No. 4
Sunday of Orthodoxy 1972 [not the same sermon as the one on this blog titled, "Triumph of Orthodoxy"]
#180 Nov-Dec 2010 Vol. XXX No. 6
Day of Nativity
Sunday of the Forefathers [not the same sermon as the one on this blog titled "Sunday of the Fathers"]
#181 Jan-Feb 2011 Vol. XXXI No. 1
Feast of the Meeting of the Lord
A Word on St. John the Baptist
#182 Mar-April 2011 Vol. XXXI No. 2
The Annunciation
On Humility
#184 July-Aug 2011 Vol. XXXI No. 4
Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus
Sample issue temporarily available: http://www.sjkp.org/downloads/LO.pdf
#186 Nov-Dec 2011 Vol. XXXI No. 6
Our Lady, Joy of All Who Sorrow
St. John of Kronstadt
Instructions for an Orthodox Christian [also on this blog]
#187 Jan-Feb 2012 Vol. XXXII, No. 1
Letter to a Priest of the Church Abroad Concerning Fr. Dimitry Dudko and the Moscow Patriarchate [also on this blog, but the hardcopy includes the valuable footnotes]
#188 Mar-April 2012 Vol. XXXII, No. 2
On the Importance of Observing Lent [also on this blog]
The Holy Life-Giving Cross of the Lord [also on this blog]
The Truth is Dearest of All
#193 Jan-Feb 2013 Vol. XXXIII no.1
On Theophany
More hardcopies available from SJKP:
Go to http://www.sjkp.com and type philaret in the search box.
Orthodox Family
Metropolitan Philaret of New York
The family lies at the heart of the life of the Church, and has always been one of her greatest concerns... even in the lives and thoughts of those who have forsworn the "natural" family for the monastic.
Item# 2278. (DC: L) Leaflet. $0.35
Emotional Development of Children & On Christian Hope
Metropolitan Philaret of New York City
In his simple style, Metropolitan Philaret touches upon the critical aspects of the development of children... assuredly, the nurturing of whom is one of the most vital of the Church's tasks.
Item# 2280. (DC: L) Leaflet. $0.35
Guidelines for Orthodox Christians
Metropolitan Philaret of NYC
The life of the Gospel is at once complex beyond human understanding... and so simple that only a child can understand it. In only a very few words, Vladyka Philaret calls us to that life... "as easy as 1, 2 3..."
Item# 2283. (DC: L) Leaflet. $0.35
Metropolitan Philaret: A True Holy Confessor of these Latter Times
Both for those who knew him and those who did not, these few lines (graced by a moving personal account by one of his last companions, and the words he left behind in his typewriter) provide a reminder of what it means truly to be a "confessor" in these days.
Item# 2285. (DC: L) Leaflet. $0.35
Will the Heterodox be Saved?
Metropolitan Philaret of New York
The title says it all -- in a pluralistic society such as ours, where most of us have close relatives and loved ones who are very far from the true Orthodox Faith, this is a burning question. The critical distinction is clearly drawn between those who knowingly pervert the truth (into which class we ourselves should surely fall, were we to abandon the true Faith), and those who sincerely struggle outside the Church, never having known her fullness.
Item# 2290. (DC: L) Leaflet. $0.35
Christian Love: The Basic Principle of Morality
Met. Philaret
Any other kind of "morality" is, inevitably, simply self-interest masked in one way or another... even if it is genuinely "enlightened" self-interest. The wise simplicity of Metropolitan Philaret speaks to the Christian heart.
Item# 2297. (DC: L) Leaflet. $0.35
The Nature of Sin
Metropolitan Philaret of New York City
A brief exploration of the distinguishing feature of fallen mankind.
Item# 2300. (DC: L) Leaflet. $0.35
trans. Isaac Lambertsen
Menaion for 12.01.
Item# 1115. (DC: S) . $1.90
On the Law of God
Met. Philaret of New York
From the pen of a man of great spiritual insight and depth of human understanding, a broad-ranging exploration of the dimensions of Orthodox Christian life. Topically focused chapters range from "Freedom of Will" and "The Christian 'I'" to "Christian Death", concluding with several chapters on prayer. Originally published decades ago, this new edition includes a brief biographical notice and features modern and easily read typesetting.
Item# 3090. (DC: R) Saddle-stitched. $5.50
Also see these:
Video Of The Holy Canonization Of St. Blessed Xenia of St. Petersburg
This video includes His Eminence, Vladika Metropolitan Philaret the First Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia, and which the Holy Canonization of St. Blessed Xenia took place at the Kursk Mother of God Russian Orthodox Cathedral in New York.
Selective Writings Of His Eminence, Metropolitan Philaret (Large Format)
Compiled by Father Demetrios Serfes.
Volume I - Price:US$10.00
Volume II - Price:US$15.00
Volume III - Price:US$20.00