"After my death our beloved Church abroad will break three ways .... first the Greeks will leave us as they were never a part of us ... then those who live for this world and its glory will go to Moscow ... what will remain will be those souls faithful to Christ and His Church." St. Philaret of NY 1985


original Russian



machine translation

Orthodoxy, Heterodoxy, Ecumenism

The Foreword

Metropolitan Filaret (in the world Georgy Nikolaevich Voznesensky) was born in Kursk on March 22, 1903. In 1909 his family moved to Blagoveshchensk-on-Amur. He received his higher education at the Russian-Chinese Polytechnic Institute in Harbin, where he graduated from the pastoral and theological courses. In 1931, he took a haircut with the name Filaret, soon was ordained, in 1933 he was elevated to the rank of abbot, in 1937 - Archimandrite. In 1962, he left for Hong Kong, from there to Brisbane, whose bishop was appointed in 1963. And in 1964, Bishop Filaret was elected to the place of the retired ROCOR Metropolitan Anastasia (Gribanovsky) who went to rest. Metropolitan Filaret has carried this burden for 21 years. The Lord Filaret rejoiced to the Lord on November 21, 1985. In 1998, it was decided to transfer the remains of the deceased first hierarch from the crypt of the cemetery of the Assumption Church to a new tomb of the Holy Trinity Cathedral in Jordanville. When the tomb was opened, the power of Metropolitan Filaret was incorrigable.

Metropolitan Filaret is a man of deep ascetic life. Look at his face! He was a prayer booker, - recalls the Bishop of Filaret (Voznesensky) Archpriest Alexy Kotar, abbot of the Nikolaev Cathedral in the city. Seattle (Washington, USA). Saint John of Shanghai nominated him. The candidates were then Saint John, and someone else, and as a compromise of the Lord John proposed to choose the young bishop - the Lord of Filaret.

To some extent, Bishop Filaret was like my father, because when I studied at a Russian gymnasium in New York, my parents left for San Francisco, Pope (proto-Judges Nikolai Kotar. A.N.) was transferred there, and Bishop Filaret somehow took to look after me, called me to himself, instructed me, corrected. He loved young people, often met with young people. We had mugs on Sundays; we came to him right in the rest, where he was treating us, talking to us. When he came to our house, he liked to sit down at the piano: he played some things, including his own, was a good musician and composer.

What else can I say about him? Metropolitan Filaret was very strict about the church canons, was a zealous of the church order, was very worried about the new style, because of ecumenism. But one thing is his experience, and the other is the position of the first hierarch. In a personal conversation, he once told me: "I don't know if there is a grace in Russia." But the Synod has never heard such a thing from him, it did not become the official point of view. The same is true of the calendar. He said the new calendar was unbearable. But I myself witnessed how a young Greek priest came to us one day at the feast of the Annunciation. They, in the Greek church, did not serve the communicable, and he went to us, quietly became in the temple and prayed. The father told the lord that in the temple a Greek priest-novel, and he immediately asked to invite him to the altar, briefly spoke to him and told him to bring felon. And this news priest came out with us on the shed. The Lord loved everyone, was very patient, cheered for truth and unity.

The word published below is Metropolitan Filaret - Orthodox, inchanology and ecumenism - is said at the opening of the pastoral and theological courses in Jordanville. The archival record of the word was provided by Evgeny Lukyanov (2007).

Orthodoxy, foreign and ecumenism

People of the older generation remember well what we had in Russia-mother at the time; they remember well how many we had various spiritual educational institutions. And the higher, as academ, and the middle, as seminaries, and the lower, as spiritual schools. The conditions are not the same. And as you yourself, of course, you know, we, in the Church Abroad, actually a real full-fledged spiritual institution - this is only our seminary, which is not the first and not the second year works at the Holy Trinity Monastery in Jordanville. In the possible help of this spiritual institution, spiritual pastoral courses are opened, for which thanks be to God, because in our time it is necessary to appreciate, support and protect those organizations and institutions where it is possible to offer people church teaching.

Of course, compared to the previous time, we have one plus. You know well, friends, as we used to be said in our Russia, that the most desperate blasphemers and atheists came out of the seminarians. Perhaps, in such a formulation, this sounded too sharp and exaggerated, but there is no smoke without fire, because, indeed, it was so long before. People who did not fit for her, and eventually went out to be enemies of faith.

I will allow myself to remember now what I did not mean to say at first, but now I remembered the story of the writer A. V. Amphitheaterov on how at the time at the Moscow University taught theology famous scientist, professor, Archpriest Nikolai Sergievskiy. One day, a young man from a very intelligent aristocratic family answered the exam in theology. The answer was exceptionally brilliant. There was so great knowledge of the answering young man that the answer at moments was almost in a debate between the professor and the student. He finished this nearly hour-long exam. Archpriest Nikolai Sergievski, putting him a five, said, "You are probably the most perfect atheist? He blushed: "Where did you know from?" By the nature of your knowledge and answers. You teach it to argue with us. And then, when a year later his younger brother, a very modest and God-fearing young man, answered as well, very well, but not as brilliant as his older brother, then the professor, also putting him a five, asked: "Are you not a brother of such a thing?" Your answer is brilliant, thank you. Your brother's answer was even better, but I give you a full point with much great pleasure.

It was then. Now the possibility that the opponent of faith can come out from the spiritual educational institution is much less, because now a person who is really looking for spiritual and spiritual enlightenment will go to the seminary and even pastoral courses. And God would give that our humble undertaking should go and be the support of our only seminary.

Once in Harbin I had to read the book of one Theosophist, who, defending his Theosophical doctrines, said: "There is no religion above the truth." This is our main dogma, theosophical. All religions are valuable that they are all seeking the truth. As if even a rather attractive statement, which, however, is internally false. Why? Why? For if all religions seek the truth, and speak of it differently, can they be considered equivalent? It's like hanging on the wall twelve identical hours and showing different times, and we will say: since they are all made to show time, all of them are equal. In fact, some show right, the others are wrong, and maybe everything is wrong. In any case, the truth is one, and, showing different things, they all cannot tell the truth.

You can also say about religion. Of course, religion is the highest point of man's spirit, so a believing Christian will never laugh at someone else's religion, however primitive it may be. But that's one thing. On the other hand, if this Theosophical statement is so false, then externally, I repeat, it seems quite attractive. And here is the author of this book, Theosophist, says: "We have succeeded in bringing together representatives of almost all religions, in particular, almost all Christian faiths, except for one stubborn Orthodoxy. It doesn't want to be on that point. It says that the truth is not sought, and it is in fullness, it has nothing to seek. Therefore it can offer this truth to anyone who wishes, anyone who seeks it, is sick of it with his soul. And there is nothing to seek Orthodoxy, it is a religion that contains the truth of the revealed. And since the truth is one, then, therefore, with no other religion, Orthodoxy does not want to unite.

That's right. In Orthodoxy, it is valuable that it professs his faith, the revealed truth that not men invented in their contemplations of God and faith, but brought from heaven to the earth the Lord Jesus Christ, the incarnate Son of God, God's reason, God's power, God's power, God's wisdom. Therefore, this determines the eternity, perseverance and permanence of our Orthodox religion, our Orthodox faith, this true true Christianity. The Lord Jesus Christ said to His apostles, "All that I have heard from my Father have said all things. That is why the apostle Peter in his time pointed out that all that is needed for life and piety is given to us from the Lord. These words of the Savior do not contradict His other words, said at the same secret evening, when He said: "I have many things to tell you, but you cannot wear it now." It is not that they were told the incomplete truth, but only that they could not fully accommodate it. And when the the Locomerator Spirit comes, He will remind you of what he has told you, and ilcal your mind so that he will understand the truth and will be fully. The Church always teaches that the fullness of truth, the fullness of the vision belongs to the whole Church of the Universal, and not to any man. Therefore, the content of our faith is already given. It is formulated at the Ecumenical Councils, concisely concluded in the exhaustive Symbol of Faith. Further, the Church says that it is revealed in its depths in the history of the Church, in the creations of the patristic, assimilated as a saving truth by every human soul in the feat of life, in the study, in the reverential perception of what the Church offers as a God-baptized truth. But you can't add anything else.

Our Orthodox Church stands on this. The foundations of this understanding in their time were warned by the apostle Paul, who wrote to the Galatian Christians: "If not only we are, and the angel from heaven will not be vague to you what you have received (means something completely new), anathema will be. Therefore, if the truth is revealed to you in a new way, in order to accept this explanation, a Christian must first of all take care of the full compliance with the truth that is already in our Orthodox Church. This should not be any innovation, but only a conclusion from what the Church is proposing, by revealing what has already been given. And in this, I repeat, permanence, faithfulness, strength and perseverance of our Orthodoxy.

Once upon a time in Russia, an original thinker, philosopher, Vasily Vasilyevich Rozanov, a large original. A man who sometimes thought not only not quite the church, but also not yet quite non-church, at least, spoke out. He made paradoxes, sometimes he simply attacked Christianity, saying that Christianity was taking away its light from life, taking away its joyful sides, and making it something dark, completely bleak for the soul. But if they talk about a Russian person that he has not a mind and his heart in the palm, then this was the original, Rozanov. His mind clearly rebelled against Christianity often, and the pen went after the mind and wrote many things that the Christian should not have written. But his heart was drawn to the Church, reaching for Orthodoxy. He himself said that if he dies, he wants to invite his father before his death and confess him in all his sinful life before his death.

So, this original thinker said, "Why, when I enter the church, my mint-bearing soul feels calm? Why, when I enter the smallest, rural church, there is a jedoc-psalasman on the clergy, something is read and sings, perhaps not always understanding the words he sings and extinguing, old girls are standing and praying well, and they are hardly half of what they do understand, but why such a world is on the soul? Because we have entered the atmosphere of eternity, because here is the power of our faith, our Orthodoxy, the meaning of our Orthodox Church.

This humble servant of the Church - the psalmist, the servant of God - reads and sings in his place, and I know that for hundreds of years the same thing has been read and sang. The church sang and read it, the Church offered it to the children. We will not be, Церковьwe will be followed by others, and they will hear the same, feel the same gracious atmosphere. What about the fact that these old girls are not all, maybe they understand? They eat here, they feel this gracious atmosphere, they live it. And my sinful soul, he says, also feels the vitality of this spiritual atmosphere and feels the stone, feels the rock on which one can lean on, this permanence, this immutability. It is, as he correctly noted, only in the Orthodox Church. Outside the threshold of the temple are sometimes the most amazing changes. Generations are replaced by generations, states disappear, and in their place others appear. And the Church does its work as it did in the time of the apostolic, as it does now and will do it to the end until this earthly history of mankind is over.

If we move on to the non-Orthodox religion of Catholicism, we know that its honest and sincere representatives openly admit that it is the Orthodox Church that preserves the truth as it was under the apostles and Ecumenical Councils, and Catholicism has added something new to it. They consider these additions inspired, consider them dogmas, but they recognize that it is the Orthodox Church that indestructantly keeps what is in it. And Catholicism, as you know, has made a lot of new things. There is no time to talk about it in detail, you know many points on which Catholicism has moved away from Orthodoxy, has moved away from true Christianity.

Leah trouble is the beginning. Suppose something new, let some innovation, as if on an inclined plane, a stone rolls, and life shows how terrible it is, how dangerous it is. The terrible tragedy of Catholicism we are now seeing. Once a philosopher, it seems, Vysheslavtsev, wrote, remembering the terrible years of life in the Soviet Union in the first years after the revolution: Many decrees were issued by the Soviet authorities, made many orders. How did we live? We lived when we walked around them, we did not perform, because to perform - means to perish. And this is what I remember all the time, when I now have to hear that pious Catholics, brought up in the faith of the fathers, just try to preserve the former and live some pious aspiration, in so far, because they do not accept the innovations of Catholicism, the destructive that is associated with the so-called innovations of the so-called Roman high priest.

You see what is being done here, you see the tragedy of Catholicism, which seemed to be a rock indestructible. They used to look at us from the top down before, saying that we always have some unrest, no unity, no unity, no one center, no single power, and we are firm like a rock. That's how it crumbled, this rock, or at least begins to crumble now.

As for Protestantism, which appeared as a protest against those, I will put it directly, the ugliness that disgraceded Catholicism by the time of the Middle Ages, it appeared as a healthy protest against these distortions of truth. But, alas, it turned out that he protested, and moved to the other side from true Christianity, from Orthodoxy further than the Catholicism departed from it. If you imagine a directly and peacefully hanging pendulum (this will be Orthodoxy), and Catholicism has swung somewhere away from it, Protestantism has made a pile in the other direction, but did not stop where Orthodoxy, and, evabsh, turned out to be even further.

Protestantism also broke with many of what was still stored in Catholicism. In Protestantism, there is neither the continuity of ordination, nor many mysteries, and hence the result that in such a lack of inner fidelity to the apostolic doctrine, with such arbitrariness, Protestantism is crushed, is divided, divided and divided into sects, on the point, on all kinds of branching and divisions, sometimes almost excluding in their extreme conclusions, they reach almost to the complete negation of Christianity. And the Mother of God they do not honor and even doubt the deity of the Lord Jesus Christ, that is, in essence, they depart from Christian principles and beliefs.

And these are the tragedies of non-Orthodox religions and gave rise to the phenomenon that is now poisonous temptation before many souls who have a weak or not sufficiently understanding the cause. This is what we call ecomenism. Once again, there is no way to talk about it in detail. But I will say, first of all, that, in a few words I will try to point to the main point of his insolvency. The ecumenists say that we call on all Christian religions to unite, to unite. Each of them has some truth, they teach differently, they speak differently. And if they merge, share the truth, and their misconceptions will be discarded, then a new Church, the true Christian one in full unity, will be a new Church, a true Christian one.

As if, again, a rather attractive prospect. But look at what price we are offered it? They say to us, like all other religions, you have some truth. The share! This means that in our faith, in our holy saving faith we must recognize only the share, and the rest to be misguided. So I ask: what conscience is the Orthodox, what heart, the soul of the Russian Orthodox man will agree to such a thing? In the saving faith that people once lived in ancient times, lived the holy fathers, our pious ancestors, the flames of Father John of Kronstadt and our great righteous, to declare only a share of the truth, and the rest to error? Never, of course, the consciousness of an Orthodox person, the Orthodox soul, will not agree to anything like this.

Delayed a little bit on this scheme, we and I can see the paradoxes of ecumenism, which indicate, again, its insolvency with the seeming some external attractiveness. First of all, what caused this? Of course, the world is experiencing an era of all shocks and shaking. In order to calmly experience all this, you need to have a spiritual foundation. The scattered Christianity, especially the fragmented pushes of Protestantism, have lost their unity, lost strength, lost a sense of a possible connection with the celestial triumphant Church, which they do not think of, turning their eyes to the earth, all interpret in order to arrange the Kingdom of God on earth.

They think that if fragmented, insolent, cowardly different directions and professions merge, then in unity they will create something powerful and spiritual, whereas it is known that how many zeros do not fold - will still be zero. Ecumenism is based on the assertion that all religions are only partly correct, and it is concluded that if they are united, then a new doctrine, real Christianity, will be obtained. But it's paradoxical and implausible. And, in addition, the basic idea from which it emerges is that there is no quite true Church on earth among mankind. Because if it were, it did not need ecumenism, and just everything would join this Church. And ecumenism therefore preaches its teaching, that he believes that there is no true Church that truly possesses its fullness, but only confessions, groups of people who have pieces, pieces, some truth. I repeat: for Orthodox self-consciousness, such a statement of the question is completely unacceptable.

I wanted to say something else. If you and I, of course, as Orthodox as the children of the Church, and never think about the ecumenism, which says that the truth you have only partly, and otherwise you are mistaken, but to meet the dissidents we still have to, you, the future shepherds. Remember, please, that if you have to talk to dissidents, then you need to take into account several circumstances. On the one hand, as the late Lord Anthony pointed out, conversing about our faith and offering her truths to dissidents, it is necessary to offer our faith as it is, without at all reducing its strict exact demands and began high in order to please anyone - whether his interlocutor or any dominant currents.

The Lord Anthony once pointed out that the so-called adaptability of the Catholic clergy to the flock is explained by the fact that it does not raise the flock to the top, but to his faith to belittled. But this should never be done by an Orthodox pastor, a missionary, in general, the one who has to talk about faith. Expose it as it is, in all its height, in all its purity, in all its purity, in all its light-bearing, but strictness, not belittled and not cut off, I repeat, in order to please anyone.

And on the other hand, with dissidents talking, you always need to talk with a certain warmth, kindness, offering all this in the spirit of love. As Lord Anthony said: "Remove as much as possible all that can offend the interlocutor, scratch, push away. The truth of the faith, offer as they are, but that it be warmer by the warmth of sincere benevolence.

One church writer wrote: "I was recently on the disputation of an Orthodox missionary with a sectarian. The Orthodox missionary challenged his interlocutor to celebrate, the joy of Orthodox listeners. But, the narrator says, I left with the heaviest feeling. They operated on the texts of the Holy Scriptures both opponents and beat each other with texts on the head like sticks. With some kind of ill-will, with fierceness, with bad notes. It was a struggle. It is not a Christian-friendly discussion of the controversial issue in order to find out the truth, to reveal it before the misguided, namely the desire to win at all costs, and therefore a form of militant turned out. And it is not known what it would be, - says the narrator, - if the sectarian was more acquitted to the dispute, more read, more powerful in dialectics and logic. I don't know what else would have happened. But it is necessary that the interlocutor, to whom you explain, feel that the Orthodox Church is light and warmth.

I'll tell the Orthodox pastors. Especially now the soul hurts for the young people, who are under the winds of a variety of anti-church, anti-religious, anti-moral influences. From everywhere on a young soul it collapses like a hurricane. What can be contrasted with this? Not just the head learning. And it is necessary that children, young people, youth feel the warmth and light around the Church. There are such young people, we have here, there is everywhere where only our Church has its own foci and nests. If young people felt warmth and light near the Church, it is already ours. But, alas, it's quite a bit. And it is necessary for the shepherds to take care that it is the youth to attract and not just to prove something to her logically, but that the young blooming soul, I repeat, feel comfortable near the Church, feel at home, feel the light and warmth that the Orthodox faith and the Church spread around themselves. And when the young soul feels it, I repeat, it is ours, because the taste of the sweet bitter will not want.

On Receiving Holy Communion

On Receiving holy communion

By St. Philaret the New Confessor of NY

In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.

We congratulate all the communicants of the Holy Mysteries of Christ on this joyous day, on this great mercy of God. Once I had already said in this holy temple that the most blessed Abba Metropolitan Anthony used to say that a person, who with faith, humbly, worthily has communed of the Holy Mysteries is already half saved for eternity and if he manages to worthily preserve that great gift which he has received in the Mystery of Communion, then the power of the enemy will not do anything to him and his soul will then acquire its salvation in eternity.

It seems unlikely that one could find an Orthodox Russian Christian who during the moments of penitent prayer, while preparing to commune, in general while seriously contemplating one’s soul, that he or she may not have good desires to amend his or her life and begin to live in a Christian manner as is fit for a Christian. But our problem is that when a person firmly resolves, then, as the holy hierarch Theophan the Recluse expressed himself, “his so-called firm decision looks very much like springtime snow in the sun; it seems to lie there, sparkling beautifully, but as soon as the sun peeks out — in a short while there is not even a trace left of the snow. And such is the case with our so-called firm intentions.” The holy hierarch Theophan also says, “It is only when the Grace of God overshadows him, only that Grace can make his vacillating, weak, unsure, unstable good intentions steadfast and firm.” Therefore, the communicant of the Mysteries of Christ must remember above all that specifically here, at the Holy Chalice which he had approached, is the source of strength and power.

But of course, the Lord does not forcibly lead anyone into His Heavenly Kingdom but only calls us to follow Him. For essentially the duty of a Christian in his life is to follow the path behind Christ the Savior Who showed us the way of a genuinely Evangelical life. And since a human, as was already said, is inconstant and fickle, he requires the help of Divine Grace in every place and constantly. And so in the Holy Mysteries of Christ it is this source of power that he receives.

One might ask, why is it then that far from all those who have communed do not fundamentally, firmly amend and change their lives for the better from a Christian point of view. The answer here is simple. Even in physics, in natural sciences it is said that in order that one power or another might produce its action, it requires as they say a point of application. Power applied to a specific point causes it to act and produce that action for which it is intended, but if this point of application is not present, then the power remains inert. There is no greater power than the almighty Divine power of Grace, but even It requires for Itself a point of application. And so, this point of application is the individual eort of the person himself.

Unfortunately it happens in many cases, that a person might even make confession and receive Communion; it would seem everything is fine and there is a good mind-set, but as soon as he walks away from the chalice, he immerses himself in worldly vain commotion and in essence does nothing on his part in order to change his life for the better. Again he becomes immersed into the same vain commotion, into the same old interests and then Divine Grace does not steer him for It does not see the presence of those eorts on his part which are essential.

So remember, in the Communion of the Holy Mysteries you have received a mighty power toward good, but this power seeks your eorts. The Lord once said through His prophet, “My son, apply your strength and I will apply My strength to your strength.” It is as if the Lord is saying, “you must make an eort yourself, and I will help you.”

This is what every communicant must remember. A good and holy deed has been done; the communicant of the Holy Mysteries has joined himself with Christ Himself, the Source of Life, but let him remember that now eort lies ahead, just as before. The Lord Whom he has received will help in his labors, but will not labor in his stead. Amen.

Wonderful catch of fish


Metropolitan Philaret: Wonderful catch of fish (+fr)

Author: Metropolitan Agafangel. Date of publication: October 09, 2023. Category: ROCOR Archives.

Now we have listened to the Gospel about the miraculous catch of fish that the apostles had after the Resurrection of their Teacher. More than once I have had to say that a miracle similar to this happened at the beginning of the ministry of the Lord Jesus Christ. He called His apostles to follow Him, after the same successful miraculous catch of fish that happened when the Savior taught the people from the boat, and then commanded the Apostle Peter to set sail and cast the net.

Now I want to draw your attention, brothers, to this. Anyone who carefully reads the Gospel narratives and ponders them cannot help but notice that both such wonderfully rich catches of fish took place as a result of what is called obedience. If the apostles had not listened to their Teacher, they would not have had this catch of fish. Of course, its miraculousness is undeniable, for in the first case, when there was the first catch, then at the command of his Teacher, the Apostle Peter brings up such a circumstance. “Teacher,” he says, “Mentor!” We toiled all night and caught nothing” (Luke 5:5). This is an indication from a fishing specialist that the fish were not caught at night, when the time for fishing with nets is more favorable than during the day, when the fish does not see the net. If you don't catch a fish at night, then it's all the more difficult to expect to catch one when you see one. But the apostle, who pointed out this, immediately adds: “But according to Your word, I will cast down,” i.e. according to Your word I will let down the net. And such a quantity of fish was caught that the apostles clearly saw an undoubted miracle, and the arguing apostle Peter fell at the feet of the Savior and asked Him: “Get away from me... because I am... a sinner” (Luke 5:8) For horror gripped him, as Evangelist Luke emphasizes, horror gripped his employees from this catch.

Here is the second case. The Lord tells them to cast the net to the right of their boat. Here too he asked them if they had caught anything? “No, they didn’t catch me.” They worked all night just like the first time. Perhaps this reminded them of that already distant miracle, so they simply threw the net without any objections or inquiries. And the miracle repeated - many fish were caught.

In our time, a person often has to solve very difficult problems, in the midst of confusion, in the midst of untruths, in the midst of spiritual counterfeits and falsehoods, with which the present time is so replete, both in his personal life and in his encounter with public life, or participation in it. Sometimes it happens that his conscience forces him to say something directly or to do something without fail. At the same time, he himself begins to hesitate: is it worth protesting, maybe some serious consequences will come from this? There are often advisers here who dissuade, just as the Apostle Peter once tried to dissuade the Savior from His Labor, but received a terrible answer: “Get away from Me, Satan!.. because you are not thinking about what is God’s, but about the things of man” (Matthew 16:23).

So we need to remember if, indeed, the question is such that out of duty or conscience it is necessary to do something decisive, even if it may entail some significant consequences. The Holy Fathers always say: “Cast up your sorrow on the Lord” (Ps. 54:23)! Those. Place all your worries on God and without cowardly looking back, go straight ahead and do what you need to do, and leave the consequences to Almighty God. If you do not fulfill what your Christian conscience calls you to, there will be sin and it will be difficult. And if what needs to be done is done, there will always be peace and joyful tranquility in the soul. And, I repeat, do not worry about the consequences, but leave them to God - the Omniscient, the Wise, the Loving and the Almighty! God Himself will take care of how this matter should be organized and what the consequences of it should be. Even when a sinful person has made a mistake, his conscience forces him to correct it, and he, of course, says: what has been done is irreparable, cannot be corrected. Then, Metropolitan Anthony pointed out in these cases, if you have courage and sincere repentance, then work to correct what you have done wrong, and God will help! Remember that if your impulse is sincere, your repentance is deep, your desire to correct what you have done is sincere, then the Heavenly Father Himself will correct and unravel what you have messed up. We encounter such cases all the time in life. So when you need to decide on something, don't be afraid! Call on the Lord for help and, having made the sign of the cross, say what is necessary and do what is necessary - and the Lord Himself will make sure that this is beneficial and no one will let you down. Amen.

      St. Metropolitan FILARET

La  pêche  miraculeuse

     Nous avons entendu l'Évangile sur la pêche miraculeuse des apôtres après la résurrection de leur Maître. J'ai eu l’occasion de dire à plusieurs reprises qu'il y avait déjà eu un miracle similaire au début du ministère de notre Seigneur Jésus-Christ. Il avait appelé Ses apôtres à Le suivre, après une pêche miraculeuse réussie ещге 0 айше similaire, qui avait eu lieu lorsque le Sauveur enseignait le peuple depuis une barque, puis Il avait ordonné à l'apôtre Pierre de s'éloigner et de jeter son filet.

    Je voudrais maintenant attirer votre attention, mes frères, sur ce point. Quiconque lit attentivement les récits de l'Évangile et y réfléchit ne peut manquer de remarquer que ces deux prises de poissons, miraculeusement riches, ont eu lieu grâce à ce que l'on appelle l'obéissance. Si les apôtres n'avaient pas obéi à leur Maître, jamais ils n'auraient eu cette pêche. Bien sûr, le caractère miraculeux de cette prise ne fait aucun doute, car lors de la première prise, sur l'ordre de leur Maître, l'apôtre Pierre cite cette circonstance : «Maître, nous avons travaillé toute la nuit, et nous n'avons rien pris» (Lc 5,5). C'est là une indication d'un pêcheur expert, disant que c'est précisément de nuit que le poisson n'a pas été pris, à un moment où la pêche au filet est plus favorable que le jour, car le filet n’est pas visible. Si le poisson n'a pas été pris la nuit, il sera d'autant plus difficile d'espérer le prendre de jour quand il pourra voir le filet. Mais l'apôtre, après avoir souligné cela, ajoute immédiatement : «Mais, selon Ta parole, je jetterai le filet». Et tant de poissons furent pris que les apôtres virent que c’était un miracle indéniable, et l'apôtre Pierre, qui d’abord avait contesté le Sauveur, tomba à Ses pieds et Le supplia : «Retire-Toi de moi; car je suis un homme pécheur» (Luc 5:8). La terreur l'avait saisi, comme le souligne l'évangéliste Luc, lui et ses compagnons à la suite de cette prise.

     Et voici le deuxième cas. Le Seigneur leur dit de jeter le filet du côté droit de leur barque. Là encore, Il leur demanda s'ils avaient pris quelque chose. «Non, nous n'avons rien pris». Ils avaient travaillé toute la nuit avec autant d'ardeur que la première fois. Peut-être cela leur rappelait-il ce miracle lointain, aussi jetèrent-ils le filet sans aucune objection ni question. Et le miracle se répéta : une grande quantité de poissons furent pris.

     À notre époque, une personne doit souvent résoudre des problèmes très difficiles dans sa vie personnelle et dans la vie publique, au milieu de la confusion, du mensonge, des contrefaçons spirituelles et de toutes sortesde faussetés qui abondent aujourd’hui. Il arrive parfois que sa conscience le force à dire quelque chose directement ou à faire absolument quelque chose. Mais en même temps, il se met à hésiter : cela vaut-il la peine de protester, peut-être cela entraînera des conséquences graves ? On trouve souvent ici des conseillers qui s’efforcent de vous dissuader, tout comme l'apôtre Pierre avait un jour voulu dissuader le Sauveur d’accomplirSon exploit spirituel, Son podvig, mais avait reçu cette réponse terrible : «Éloigne-toi de moi, Satan ! car tes pensées ne sont pas les pensées de Dieu, mais celles des hommes» (Mat. 16, 23).

     Il est donc nécessaire de se rappeler que si, en effet, la question est telle qu'il est nécessaire de faire quelque chose de décisif, par devoir ou par conscience, même si cela peut entraîner des conséquences graves, les saints Pères disent toujours : «Décharge ton fardeau sur le Seigneur : Il prendra soin de toi» (Ps. 54, 23). C'est-à-dire qu'il faut remettre tous nos soucis à Dieu et, sans regarder peureusement en arrière, aller de l'avant et faire ce qui est nécessaire, en laissant à Dieu Tout-Puissant le soin d'en tirer les conséquences. Si nous ne faisons pas ce que notre conscience chrétienne nous invite à faire, ce sera un péché et un péché oppressant. Mais si nous faisons ce qui doit être fait, la paix et une tranquillité joyeusehabiteront toujoursnotre âme. Quant aux conséquences, je le répète, ne nous en préoccupons pas, laissons-les au Dieu Omniscient, Sage, Aimant et Tout-Puissant ! Dieu Lui-même s'occupera du traitement de cette affaire et de ses conséquences. Même lorsqu'une personne pécheresse commet une erreur, sa conscience l'incite à la corriger et, bien sûr, elle se dit : ce qui a été fait est irréparable, cela ne peut pas être corrigé. Dans ce cas - le métropolite Antoine l'a souligné - lorsqu'il y a du courage et un repentir sincère, et si l'on s'efforce de corriger le mal commis, Dieu nous aidera ! Rappelez-vous que si notre élan est sincère, si notre repentir est profond, si notre désir de corriger ce que nous avons fait est sincère, alors le Père céleste Lui-même corrigera et démêlera ce que nous avonsabîmé. Nous rencontrons de tels cas dans notre vie tout le temps. C'est pourquoi, lorsque nous devonsnous décider à faire quelque chose, n'ayons pas peur, appelons le Seigneur à l'aide et, faisant le signe de la croix, disons ce que nous devons dire et faisons ce que nous devons faire, et le Seigneur Lui-même veillera à ce que cela soit bénéfique et à ce que personne ne nous en tienne rigueur. Amen.

     Saint Métropolite PHILARÈTE

Expulsion of Evil Spirits


Machine English, Russian, French

Metropolitan Philaret: Expulsion of evil spirits (+fr)


In the Gospel there is a story about how the Lord Jesus Christ freed an unfortunate man from the serious illness of demoniac possession, who was captured not by one evil spirit, but by a whole legion of evil spirits — these enemies of God and the enemies of humanity.  When you and I read or hear this Gospel, we cannot, of course, help but pay attention to the place where it is said how the evil spirits who possessed a person, seeing the Savior approaching and realizing that the end had come to their evil violence and torment of the unfortunate person.  They began to ask Him to allow them to enter the herd of pigs that were grazing right there on the shore of the lake.

Notice how the Lord is always ready to fulfill the request of His creation, if only it is addressed to Him in faith.  The Lord fulfills the request, that is, if you like, the prayer of even evil spirits.  He allowed them what they asked Him for.  When the priest begins to perform the Sacrament of Baptism, then at the beginning of this sacrament he reads the so-called clarification prayers, in which the evil spirit is driven away from the human soul.  There, he directly addresses the evil spirit and says: “Know your vain power (not true power) that has power below the pigs,” that is, know that your not true power has no power even over pigs.  But here the question arises: Why did the Lord allow them to do this?  After all, they, leaving the unfortunate man, entered the swine herd and immediately destroyed them.  The unfortunate animals, under the influence of a force unknown to them, rushed from the steep bank into the lake and drowned.

Why did the Lord allow this?  St. John Chrysostom, speaking about this circumstance, points out first of all that this is for the benefit of the listeners, so that they understand how much evil spirits hate every creation of God; They hate so much that, having received power over these poor animals (who were also God’s creations), they could not think of anything else how to destroy them, for they hate with fierce hatred everything created by God.  But only the power of God restrains evil spirits and does not allow them to harm the human race.  Let us also note that we are talking about a herd of pigs; and you probably know that according to the laws of the Jewish people, according to the laws of the Old Testament, a pig is an unclean animal that could neither be eaten nor kept.  Therefore, the presence of a herd of pigs there was a temptation for orthodox Jews, which is why the Lord allowed this temptation to be so unexpectedly removed.

In the same Gospel we read that the inhabitants of the city, having learned about what had happened, began to ask the Lord to move away from them.  They did not invite Him to their city, but on the contrary, they began to beg Him to leave them.  And, as they say St. The fathers (the inhabitants) were afraid that this unexpected Wonderworker might disrupt their usual order of life.  They had already suffered a loss, having lost several thousand head of livestock, when He had only just approached the city!  What could happen if He comes to the city itself?!  This is an example of selfish fear.  Something similar happens now, when a person is somehow afraid to allow the Lord to enter his soul.  Don’t you sometimes hear from Orthodox Christians something like this: “We are not monks!  Is it possible to demand from us what is required from monks and the clergy?  We are simple lay people." And when they so insist that their inner world should not be disturbed by anything, that they should not recognize any spiritual obligations for themselves, then how they resemble the speech of the inhabitants of the city of Gadara, who came to the Savior and asked Him to move away from keep them away!  Beware of doing this with God's grace, O man!  Don't push Grace away from you.

Let us remember how the Lord taught His apostles: If you come with your gospel to some city, and you are not received there, then, leaving this city, shake off the very dust from your feet and tell them: “Know that the Kingdom of God has come near” to you, but we shake off the dust from your city (Luke 10:10,11).  And to this the Lord added: “Amen, I say to you, Sodom and Gomorrah, those cities that the Lord punished with fiery execution for their terrible sins, it will be more tolerable on the Day of Judgment than that city.”

Reading or listening to the Holy Gospel, we see how evil spirits try to harm everything that exists.  But the Church teaches us that they were created by God to be bright and good, and only by rebelling against God did they lose their good and luminous properties and became dark spirits of evil.  How the fall of the first angel happened is unknown to us.  The Church only says that the first of the angels, created by God as especially powerful and luminous, rebelled against his Creator and wanted to become equal to Him.  Here, if you like, is the first revolution!  The first revolutionary is the devil, who wanted to start a revolution in heaven, to rebel other angels against the King of Heaven, but was cast out from there in disgrace.  That's who the first revolutionary was; all subsequent revolutionaries are kindred to him in spirit... But it’s not for nothing that we pray in a prayer that is so often repeated: “Protect us with Your holy Angels,” for they really protect us, especially that Guardian Angel who never does leave a person.  Even when a person gives in to sin, and in this sin an evil spirit could take possession of him and destroy him, the Guardian Angel protects the person, does not allow the evil spirit to take possession of him, and protects him, hoping for his repentance in the future.  Always remember that if we call on our Guardian Angel for help with faith, he will save us.

And therefore, remember: no matter what happens to you, no matter what misfortune befalls you, no matter what catastrophe overtakes you, know that if you call with faith on your powerful and good friend, your Guardian Angel, he will rush to your aid and will help you.  Amen.

~ St. Metropolitan FILARET

     В Евангелии есть повествование о том, как Господь Иисусъ Христосъ освободил от тяжкого недуга беснования несчастного человека, которого захватил в свою власть не один злой дух, а целый легион злых духовэтих врагов Божиих и врагов человечества. Когда мы с вами читаем или слышим это Евангелие, то не можем, конечно, не обратить внимания на то место, где говорится, как злые духи, владевшие человеком, увидя приближавшегося Спасителя и поняв, что пришел конец их злобному насилию и мучению несчастного, – стали просить Его, чтобы Он позволил им войти в стадо свиней, пасшихся тут же на берегу озера.

     Обратите внимание на то, как Господь всегда готов исполнить просьбу Своего создания, если только она обращена к Нему с верой. Господь исполняет просьбу, то есть, если угодно, молитву даже злых духов. Он им позволил то, о чем они просили Его. Когда священник начинает совершать Таинство Крещения, то в начале этого таинства он читает так называемые огласительные молитвы, в которых отгоняется от человеческой души злой дух. Там, он прямо обращается к злому духу, и говорит: «Познай свою суетную силу (не истинную силу) ниже на свиньях власть имущую», – то есть познай, что твоя не истинная сила даже над свиньями власти не имеет. Но тут появляется вопрос: Почему Господь позволил им это? Ведь они, оставив несчастного человека, вошли в свиное стадо и сейчас же его погубили. Несчастные животные, под действием непонятной для них силы, бросились с крутого берега в озеро и утонули.

     Почему Господь это попустил? Св. Иоанн Златоуст, говоря об этом обстоятельстве указывает прежде всего на то, что это идет на пользу слушателей, дабы они поняли, насколько злые духи ненавидят всякое творение Божие; ненавидят настолько, что, получив власть над этими бедными животными (которые были также творениями Божиими), они ничего другого не придумали, как их погубить, ибо они ненавидят лютой ненавистью все сотворенное Богом. Но только сила Божия сдерживает злых духов и не допускает им вредить роду человеческому. Заметим еще, что речь идет о свином стаде; а вы, вероятно, знаете, что по законам народа иудейского, по законам Ветхого Завета, свиньянечистое животное, которое нельзя было ни употреблять в пищу, ни держать. Поэтому, пребывание там свиного стада было соблазном для правоверующих иудеев, почему Господь и попустил, чтобы этот соблазн был так неожиданно удален.

     Новэтом же Евангелии мы с вами читаем, что жители города, узнав о том, что произошло, стали просить Господа отойти подальше от них. Не пригласили Его в свой город, а наоборотстали Его умолять, чтобы Он ушел от них. И, как говорят св. отцы они (жители) испугались того, как бы этот неожиданный Чудотворец, не нарушил бы привычный для них порядок их жизни. Они уже потерпели убыток, потеряв несколько тысяч голов скота, когда Он еще только приблизился к городу! Что же может получиться, если Он в самый город придет?! Этопример корыстного страха. Нечто подобное бывает и теперь, когда человек как-то боится допустить Господа войти в его душу. Разве не слышатся иногда от православных христиан, примерно, такие речи: «Мыне монахи! Разве можно от нас требовать то, что требуется от монахов и от духовенства? Мыпростые миряне». И когда они так настаивают на том, чтобы их внутренний мир ничем бы не был обеспокоен, на том, чтобы им не признавать за собой никаких духовных обязательств, – то как они напоминают речь жителей города Гадары, которые вышли к Спасителю и просили Его удалиться от них подальше! Берегись поступать так с Божией благодатью, человек! Не отстраняй Ее от себя.

     Вспомним, как Господь учил Своих апостолов : Если вы придете с вашим благовестием в какой-нибудь город, и вас там не примут, то, уходя из этого города, самый прах от ног своих отрясите и скажите им: «Знайте, что Царствие Божие приблизилось к вам, но, мы и прах от вашего города отрясаем» (Лк.10:10,11). И к этому Господь добавил: «Аминь, глаголю вам, Содому и Гоморре, – тем городам, которые Господь за их страшные грехи покарал огненной казнью, – будет отраднее в день Судный, нежели городу тому».

     Читая или слушая Св. Евангелие, мы видим, как злые духи стараются вредить всему существующему. А ведь Церковь нас учит тому, что они были сотворены Богом светлыми и добрыми, и, только взбунтовавшись против Бога, – потеряли свои добрые и светоносные свойства и стали темными духами злобы. Как произошло падение первого ангела, неведомо нам. Церковь только говорит, что, первый из ангелов, созданный Богом особо могучим и светоносным, возмутился против своего Творца и захотел сравняться с Ним. Вот вам, если угодно, первая революция! Первый революционерэто дьявол, который хотел на небе устроить революцию, возмутить других ангелов против Царя Небесного, но был низвергнут с позором оттуда. Вот, кто был первый революционер; ему родственны по духу и все последующие революционеры... Но недаром мы с вами молимся в молитве, которая так часто повторяется: «Огради нас святыми Твоими Ангелами», ибо они, действительно, ограждают нас, в особенности тот Ангел-Хранитель, который никогда не оставляет человека. Даже тогда, когда человек отдается греху, и в этом грехе злой дух мог бы им завладеть и его погубить, Ангел-Хранитель защищает человека, не допускает злого духа им овладеть, и его охраняет, надеясь на его покаяние в будущем. Помните всегда о том, что если мы с верою призовем на помощь своего Ангела-Хранителя, он нас спасет.

     А поэтомупомни: что бы ни случилось с тобою, какая бы беда ни стряслась, какая бы катастрофа тебя не застигла, знай, что если с верою призовешь своего могущественного и доброго друга, своего Ангела-Хранителя, то он поспешит к тебе на помощь и поможет тебе. Аминь.

Св. Митрополитъ ФИЛАРЕТЪ



L’expulsion des démons

Il y a dans l'Évangile un récit qui nous montre comment le Seigneur Jésus-Christ a délivré un homme de l'affliction douloureuse de la possession démoniaque. Ce n’était pas un seul mauvais esprit, mais tout une légion de mauvais esprits, ces ennemis de Dieu et de l'humanité, qui s’étaient emparés de ce malheureux. Lorsque vous et moi lisons ou entendons cet Évangile, nous remarquons évidemment cet endroit où il est dit que les mauvais esprits qui s’étaient emparés de l'homme, voyant le Sauveur s'approcher et réalisant que la fin de leur violence et de leur tourment était arrivée, commencèrent à Lui demander de leur permettre d'entrer dans le troupeau de porcs qui paissait sur les rives du lac.

Notez que le Seigneur est toujours prêt à exaucer la demande de Sa créature, si elle Lui est adressée avec foi. Le Seigneur exauce la demande, c'est-à-dire la prière, même des esprits mauvais. Il leur accorde ce qu'ils Lui demandent. Lorsque le prêtre commence à administrer le sacrement du baptême, au début de ce sacrement, il lit les prières dites d’exorcismes, dans lesquelles l’esprit mauvais est chassé de l'âme humaine. Il s'adresse directement à l'esprit malin et lui dit : "Retire-toi, reconnais la vanité de ta puissance, qui n’a même pas de pouvoir sur les porcs". Ton pouvoir n’est pas réel, car tu n'as même pas le pouvoir sur les porcs. Mais ici se pose la question : pourquoi le Seigneur a-t-il laissés faire les démons ? Car en quittant le malheureux, ils sont entrés dans le troupeau de porcs et l'ont immédiatement anéanti. Les malheureux animaux, sous l'influence d'une force inconnue d’eux, se sont précipités le long de la rive escarpée dans le lac et s’y sont noyés.

Pourquoi le Seigneur a-t-il permis cela ? Saint Jean Chrysostome, en parlant de cette circonstance, souligne tout d'abord que c'est pour le bénéfice des auditeurs, afin qu'ils comprennent combien les esprits mauvais haïssent toute création de Dieu ; ils la haïssent tellement que, ayant pris le pouvoir sur ces pauvres animaux (qui étaient aussi des créatures de Dieu), ils n'ont pensé qu'à les détruire, car ils haïssent d'une haine féroce tout ce qui a été créé par Dieu. Mais seule la puissance de Dieu retient les esprits mauvais et les empêche de nuire au genre humain. Notons également qu'il s'agit d'un troupeau de porcs, et vous n’ignorez sans doute pas que selon les lois du peuple juif, selon les lois de l'Ancien Testament, le porc est un animal impur, qui ne doit être ni mangé, ni gardé. C'est pourquoi la présence d'un troupeau de porcs constituait une tentation pour les Juifs orthodoxes, raison pour laquelle le Seigneur a permis que cette tentation disparaisse de façon si soudaine.

Mais dans le même Évangile, nous lisons que les habitants de la ville, lorsqu'ils ont appris ce qui s'était passé, se sont mis à demander au Seigneur de s'éloigner d'eux. Ils ne L'ont pas invité à entrer dans leur ville, mais bien au contraire, ils L'ont supplié de s'éloigner d'eux. Et, comme le disent les Saints Pères, les habitants craignaient que ce thaumaturge inattendu ne vienne interrompre le rythme habituel de leur vie. Ils avaient déjà subi une perte de plusieurs milliers de têtes de bétail alors qu'Il approchait seulement de la ville ! Que se passerait-il s'Il venait dans la ville ?! C'est un exemple de peur égoïste. Quelque chose de semblable se produit aujourd'hui, lorsqu'un homme a peur de laisserle Seigneur entrer dans son âme. N'entendez-vous pas parfois des chrétiens orthodoxes dire : « Nous ne sommes pas des moines ! Peut-on exiger de nous ce que l'on demande aux moines et au clergé ? Nous sommes de simples laïcs ». Et lorsqu'ils insistent tellement pour que leur monde intérieur ne soit troublé par rien, qu'ils n’aient à reconnaître aucune obligation spirituelle, combien ils rappellent lespropos des habitants de la ville de Gadara, qui sont allés au-devantdu Sauveur et L'ont supplié de s'éloigner d'eux ! Garde-toi, ô homme, de te comporter pareillementavec la grâce divine ! Ne la repousse pas loin de toi.

Rappelons-nous comment le Seigneur a enseigné à Ses apôtres : Si vous arrivez avec votre Évangile dans une ville quelconque et que vous n'y soyez pas reçus, quittez cette ville, secouez la poussière de vos pieds et dites-leur : " Sachez que le Royaume de Dieu s'est approché de vous, mais même la poussière de votre ville, collée à nos pieds, nous l’enlevons pour vous la laisser " (Luc 10,10.11). Et le Seigneur a ajouté : "Amen, je vous le dis : Sodome et Gomorrhe, ces villes que le Seigneur a punies de leurs terribles péchés par un déluge de feu, seront plus heureuses au jour du Jugement que cette ville-là".

Lorsque nous lisons ou écoutons le Saint Évangile, nous voyons combien les esprits mauvais essaient de nuire à tout ce qui existe. Pourtant, l'Église nous enseigne qu'ils ont été créés par Dieu comme lumière et bons, maisà peine s’étaient-ils rebellés contre Dieu, qu’ils perdirent leurs propriétés de bonté et de lumière en devenant des esprits sombres et maléfiques. Nous ignorons comment le premier ange est tombé. L'Église dit seulement que le premier des anges, créé par Dieu particulièrement puissant et porteur de lumière, s'était rebellé contre son Créateur et avait voulu l'égaler. Nous avons là, si l'on peut dire, la première révolution ! Le premier révolutionnaire est le diable, qui avait voulu faire une révolution dans le ciel, amener les autres anges à se révolter contre le Roi du ciel, mais il en avait été rejeté couvert de honte. Voilà qui est le premier révolutionnaire ; tous les révolutionnaires ultérieurs lui sont apparentés par l'esprit ... Et ce n'est pas sans raison que dans cette prière qui est si souvent répétée, nous disons : "Garde-nous sous la protection de Tes anges saints", car ils nous gardent effectivement, en particulier l'Ange gardien qui n'abandonne jamais l'homme. Même lorsqu'une personne se livre au péché et que, dans ce péché, l’esprit mauvais pourrait s'emparer d'elle et la détruire, l'Ange gardien la protège, ne permet pas à l'esprit mauvais de s'emparer d'elle et la garde, en espérant qu'elle se repentira à l'avenir. Rappelez-vous toujours que si nous appelons notre Ange gardien avec foi, il nous sauvera.

Par conséquent, souvenez-vous que, quoi qu'il vous arrive, quels que soient vos ennuis, quelles que soient les catastrophes qui vous frappent, sachez que si vous faites fidèlement appel à votre puissant et bon ami, votre Ange gardien, il se hâtera de vous venir en aide et de vous aider. Amen.

Saint Métropolite PHILARÈTE 

Метки: рпцз, митрополит филарет